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在对京津冀1981年以来节能减排政策措施进行量化处理的基础上,建立针对节能减排政策措施有效性的计量模型,分析了京津冀节能减排政策措施的演变状况,并探究京津冀节能减排政策措施对其节能减排效果影响的差异性.研究结果表明:京津冀节能减排政策颁布经历了早期各年份相对零散、缺乏连续性到新世纪以来政策颁布数量显著增多、政策总体力度逐渐增大的过程,但三地政策总效力的增加主要是由于节能减排政策颁布数量增多引起的;京津冀三地在政策的制定过程中更多的是趋于实现短期目标,政策整体缺乏系统性和权威性;人事措施、行政措施、引导措施、财税措施、金融措施等不同节能减排政策措施对京津冀节能和减排的有效性具有明显的差异;三地对不同政策措施的使用方式、使用程度方面存在明显的差异,这对京津冀协同推进节能减排的治理工作提出挑战.论文还从京津冀完善单一节能减排政策措施的使用、加强市场手段的应用及京津冀区域协同治理等方面提出了相应政策建议.  相似文献   
政府与市场的关系问题是经济法规制的基于问题,如何正确看待政府与市场在经济生态系统内各自的功能及作用,是经济法规制的核心问题。因为这样的认识直接导致了经济立法的体系构建与内容规则。经济法规制是国家实施经济治理与尊重市场调节的基本依据,也是施行经济法治与社会治理的根本前提。所以,从社会治理的背景下来讨论经济法规制的社会经济发展的制度条件及制度生成条件,有利于真正建立和完善经济法规制的体系和内容,从而使得经济法治生态化地融入社会治理的结构体系内,达到优化社会制度以促进经济发展的目的。  相似文献   
大数据时代已经到来,大数据驱动下的政府治理发生何种改变,目前相关研究较少。当前政府治理的考验集中在2020年实现全面脱贫后精准扶贫领域的返贫阻断。文章以该领域为切入点,探索大数据驱动下政府治理的内在机制。研究发现:大数据背景下,政府治理能力催生出新的核心能力,即数据治理能力。数据治理能力驱动下,政府治理主体多元化有利于实现政府治理资源的宽范围、精准化动员;政府治理方式实现经验式决策向数据化决策转变,有利于实现政府资源的高效率和公平配置;政府治理客体的精准识别,有利于政府资源的精准化和最优化运用。但是客观上必须具备数据治理能力,主观上必须按照大数据驱动的要求重构政府治理体系(包括治理主体、治理方式和治理客体),才能真正实现以数据治理驱动政府治理,进而提高政府治理能力的目的。而数据治理能力客观上也加速了政府治理体系的重构,进而加快了政府治理能力的提升,并最终提高政府治理绩效。在对标大数据应用不同阶段分析常规式返贫阻断和大数据返贫阻断的不足和差距的基础上,笔者提出重构政府治理体系和提升数据治理能力等针对性建议。  相似文献   
Social governance innovation is a basic requirement of China's socialist construction, and an important guarantee that people can live and work in peace and enjoy long-term stability and order. Strengthening and innovating social governance has great significance for the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity, and this is where judicial justice plays a unique role at the level of government, society, and the individual. That is, judicial justice is the key to transforming governmental functions; the guarantee of a new-type social construction; and the guide to upgrading autonomy at the grass-roots level. To achieve judicial justice, we must popularize the idea of the rule of law, improve judicial work style and innovate judicial institutions.  相似文献   
中国传统行政理论在长期发展中积累了丰富的内容,形成了完整的理论形态,并在明清之际达到了它近乎顶峰的极限状态,黄宗羲的善治理论就是它在这个阶段的重要代表。黄宗羲视域中的善治在内容及方式上,都延续了儒家传统主流观点。它在内容上首先要求圣王,即唯有圣王才能以“不忍人之心”行“不忍人之政”,所谓善治实际上就是“不忍人之政”;其次它还将善治的具体内容确定为养民与教民,“养民”就是使民足以事父母及畜妻子,养生送死无憾,“教民”就是用圣王学说教育民众,使民衣食住行都合乎礼;再次它还主张治理目的是使民皆“至于至善”和“止于至善”。中国传统行政理论的善治理想在现实中还有强劲的生命力,它既表现为行政的强烈伦理导向,又表现为一种主动作为的积极政府观,还表现为一种彻底的以人为本的人文主义。  相似文献   
《Risk analysis》2018,38(6):1183-1201
In assessing environmental health risks, the risk characterization step synthesizes information gathered in evaluating exposures to stressors together with dose–response relationships, characteristics of the exposed population, and external environmental conditions. This article summarizes key steps of a cumulative risk assessment (CRA) followed by a discussion of considerations for characterizing cumulative risks. Cumulative risk characterizations differ considerably from single chemical‐ or single source‐based risk characterization. CRAs typically focus on a specific population instead of a pollutant or pollutant source and should include an evaluation of all relevant sources contributing to the exposures in the population and other factors that influence dose–response relationships. Second, CRAs may include influential environmental and population‐specific conditions, involving multiple chemical and nonchemical stressors. Third, a CRA could examine multiple health effects, reflecting joint toxicity and the potential for toxicological interactions. Fourth, the complexities often necessitate simplifying methods, including judgment‐based and semi‐quantitative indices that collapse disparate data into numerical scores. Fifth, because of the higher dimensionality and potentially large number of interactions, information needed to quantify risk is typically incomplete, necessitating an uncertainty analysis. Three approaches that could be used for characterizing risks in a CRA are presented: the multiroute hazard index, stressor grouping by exposure and toxicity, and indices for screening multiple factors and conditions. Other key roles of the risk characterization in CRAs are also described, mainly the translational aspect of including a characterization summary for lay readers (in addition to the technical analysis), and placing the results in the context of the likely risk‐based decisions.  相似文献   
Based on data received from pension supervisory authorities, the article reviews 85 different pension schemes in 44 jurisdictions by looking at fees and charges as well as their legal ceilings and their development since 2014. A key finding is the observed decrease in fees and caps. The article presents jurisdictions according to clusters, i.e. by groups of countries with identical or very similar items already covered by pension fees, and analyses the extent to which various cost and fee elements are covered by fees charged to members. Finally, we calculate charge ratios for each cluster to quantify the impact of fees and charges on pension savings. Occupational defined contribution pension schemes and personal plans linked to employment tend to be much more cost effective than personal schemes that have no direct employment link.  相似文献   
There is an increased awareness that the performance of boards (good governance) is not only determined by structural determinants but by behavioral determinants as well. These behavioral determinants might be particularly important for public and nonprofit governance, where the role of the board is more diffuse and heterogeneous than in corporate governance. Here we investigate how social dynamics within boards in secondary education influence their performance. We follow a concise model that includes cognitive conflict, the use of expertise, effort norms, and social cohesion as determinants of board task performance. A survey among all secondary schools in the Netherlands serves as the empirical underpinning for this process‐oriented model of good governance. We show that the behavioral determinants have different effects on the control task and advice task of boards. Also, we find that cognitive conflicts in supervisory boards do not lead to less but rather to more social cohesion within boards. Building on these findings, we suggest a revised model of the behavioral determinants of nonprofit board performance.  相似文献   
冉佳森  谢康  肖静华 《管理学报》2015,12(3):458-468
运用纵向案例研究,通过过程模型来解析基于契约和关系二元治理平衡的形成路径,打开信息技术与契约和关系的二元治理平衡之间的"黑箱"。研究发现,促进长期跨组织协同的关键在于实现基于关系和契约的治理机制平衡;信息技术能够在跨组织治理过程中实现治理机制的动态叠加,在治理机制不断优化的过程中实现治理机制之间的平衡。这一研究进一步丰富了跨组织治理理论,对中国企业在互联网环境下的长期合作具有启发和指导意义。  相似文献   
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